We are pleased to announce that our programmer Ardit Xhafer, has created the first programming language in the Albanian. Arditi works as a programmer at Starlabs, while he completed his education in technology and programming at our sister company – Digital School. At the age of 14, he was enrolled in the educational program of our school, and seeing his talent, StarLabs has offered him to be part of the Internship Program, which is an empowering program for young people that want to join the field of ICST. He joined the program at 17, and now Ardit who is turning 20, has reached the mid-developer level as one of the most talented developers at our Company.
He has recently presented his idea to create the first programming language in the Albanian, as a tool of facilitation for young people who want to get involved in programming but have difficulties in foreign languages, so they can the logic of coding in their native language. His idea was supported by StarLabs within the regular program available for its employees, which is entitled “Business Incubator”. The programming language that Ardit has created in the Albanian language is titled “5HQ1P”, and can be found on the Home page | Ardit Xhaferi.